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[toggle title=”pdfcomment.sty”]For a long time pdfLaTeX has of­fered the com­mand pdfan­not for in­sert­ing ar­bi­trary PDF an­no­ta­tions. How­ever, the com­mand is pre­sented in a form where ad­di­tional knowl­edge of the def­i­ni­tion of the PDF for­mat is in­dis­pens­able. This pack­age is an an­swer to the – oc­ca­sional – ques­tions in news­groups, about how one could use the com­ment func­tion of Adobe Reader. At least for the writer of LaTeX code, the pack­age of­fers a con­ve­nient and user-friendly means of us­ing pdfan­not to pro­vide com­ments in PDF files.
Since ver­sion v1.1, pdf­com­ment.sty also sup­ports LaTeX → dvips → ps2pdf, LaTeX → dvipdfmx, and X∃LaTeX.
Un­for­tu­nately, sup­port of PDF an­no­ta­tions by PDF view­ers is sparse to nonex­is­tent. The ref­er­ence viewer for the de­vel­op­ment of this pack­age is Adobe Reader.

[toggle title=”logicpuzzle bundle”]The pack­age en­ables the user to type­set Bat­tle­ship logic puz­zles (aka Bi­maru, Marine­spiel, Batalla Naval, …). You have to find the po­si­tions of ships in a grid. Num­bers next to the grid re­veal the num­ber of ship seg­ments in the re­spec­tive columns and rows.

The logicpuzzle bundle page


[toggle title=”installfont”]With this script you can in­stall a LaTeX font fam­ily (PostScript Type 1, TrueType and OpenType for­mats are sup­ported). Font se­ries from light to ul­tra bold, and (faked) small caps and (faked) slanted shapes are sup­ported, but not ex­pert fonts.
The script will re­name the fonts au­to­mat­i­cally (op­tional) or will oth­er­wise ex­pect the *.afm files and the font files (in PostScript Type1 for­mat) named in the Karl Berry scheme (e.g. 5bbr8a.pfb). After run­ning the script, you should have a work­ing font in­stal­la­tion in your lo­cal TeX tree.

[toggle title=”miktex_update”]The mik­tex_up­date script of­fers au­to­matic up­dat­ing and in­stalling of new pack­ages of an ex­ist­ing MiKTeX in­stal­la­tion. It sup­ports di­rect con­nec­tion with on­line repos­i­to­ries of the MiKTeX server net­work, as well as syn­chro­niz­ing a lo­cal repos­i­tory (CTAN) with fol­low­ing up­date. In the end you should have an up-to-date and com­plete MiKTeX in­stal­la­tion.


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